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Tuesday, Feb. 08, 2005 - 7:33 a.m.

The hunt for a job continues. The job options here are a bit frustrating. There are jobs for people who have never gone to college and have nothing to do with social services, and jobs that do require a college degree but also a few years of experience.

However, its amazing how many things I can find to fill up my days. This is my 3rd week of working out everyday with another marine wife. The two of us manage to make that last for about 3 hours :) And when I'm at home I'm constantly on the move chasing after my 2 puppies and cleaning up their messes.

Lydwin was gone all last week to San Diego for some kind of technical training. That was a super long week for me! I was glad when he got back Friday night. :D

This week I'm gonna try to get Lydwin to take me to get a new Military ID. They usually don't check your ID when you are getting onto base if you have a pass on your windsheild, but last week the military police stopped me, and mine was expired. They sent me to get a new one, but Lydwin was in CA, so I couldn't. And they wouldn't let me on, so I didn't get to workout.
Plus, more importantly, with the military ID you get discounts when you go shopping, and I love that!

My sister is having her baby in less than 2 months. I can't wait! When she does, I'm gonna make a trip home, and that will be fantastic. I'm a little homesick here. Miss my family, friends, mountains, green grass and trees.

Tho I am getting to used to AZ. I have to admit, its nice to go outside everyday and know that it will be sunny and warm. I can wear shorts everday here. Which, let me tell you, in January and February is very strange for me!

Well, I'm off. I need to find the post office today and send my sister her long awaited stuff I promised her.

Miss you all!!

changes - Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2005
news - Sunday, May. 08, 2005
need a job - Tuesday, Feb. 08, 2005
AZ at last - Thursday, Jan. 13, 2005
MSW at last - Sunday, Dec. 19, 2004

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