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Sunday, Dec. 19, 2004 - 12:47 p.m.

I can't believe how long its been since I've made an entry in here.
Its about time that I update!

Since writing in here last... I went to Yuma and spent a whole 10 glorious days with my hubby over Thanksgiving.

That was so nice, and SO NEEDED. Seriously. It is really difficult to be away from eachother all the time. Its true that you kinda get used to it after awhile, but that doesn't make it easier.

While I was there Lydwin amused me by actually taking me around to every Nursing home and assisted living place in Yuma. We even dropped into an Adult Family Home. I got to count it all as practicum hours.. that was awsome. We had a good time.

Our puppies are enormous. I just can't even believe how big they are getting, and naughty! They are more naughty than big, thats for sure. But they are trying to be sweet and good, they just don't know how :) I love them.

When I got back to Wally world, I threw myself into getting practicum hours done, so I could be finished before this Christmas. I have been reading related materials and staying extra long at the hospital.

Monday was my last day of classes...FOREVER! And Thursday I finished up my practicum hours at the hospital. Which, by the way, was way before schedule. I thought I would be finished by the end of January. SO I am more than excited!!

It's so strange to think that I have a master's degree now, and am really seriously finished with school. It's kinda crazy to think about, and it hasn't sunk it. It will in January tho I'm sure, when my sister is heading back to school, and I'm not.

Since Lydwin's parents aren't into Christmas, the plan has been for Lydwin to come out here for Christmas. We are supposed to be packing up all our stuff for the big move to AZ. He is SUPPOSED to be getting here on Tuesay.

HOWEVER. In the marine corps they do something called PT (physical training). And I don't know about everyone else, but Lydwin has PT 3 times a week. Anyways, on Tuesday he fell and got hurt. His knee is all swollen and painful. Poor baby. AND on Monday he has a PT test. They said if he qualifies, he can still come out here. But if he doesn't, he can't.

I am so ticked. How is he supposed to pass with a messed up knee? And I really want him to come, but I don't want him to push himself, becuase he needs to take it easy and let it heal. Knee injuries are nothing to mess around with.

Sooooo, if he can't come out, I'll be recruiting my sister and my brother-in-law to go back to wally world with me and get my and lydwin's stuff packed up and back here.

Then, he and I will have to re-figure out our christmas plans. Its hard, becuase I think Christmas is time to be all your family. But of course my first priority is to be with my husband. My family is like, "so you'll be going after christmas some time?" Uhhh. I'm going to be with Lydwin on Christmas. I wish I could kidnap him.

Since there's no way I could drive down there and all our stuff before Christmas, I'll probly end up flying down for a couple weeks, then coming back to get everything. Maybe he can come back with me...

Its great, we're going to be like a real married couple finally! I'm so excited :)

changes - Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2005
news - Sunday, May. 08, 2005
need a job - Tuesday, Feb. 08, 2005
AZ at last - Thursday, Jan. 13, 2005
MSW at last - Sunday, Dec. 19, 2004

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